Do Squirrels Take Fall Damage? The Answer from an Expert

It's a question that's been on everyone's mind: do squirrels take fall damage? With so many houses being built in close proximity to trees, the threat of a squirrel falling and damaging your roof is very real.
But what does the expert say? We talked to Dr. Cheryl Miller, a certified wildlife biologist and expert on squirrel behavior, to get the answer.
Dr. Miller has this to say on the matter: "Squirrels are nimble creatures and they're very good at landing on their feet. In most cases, they will be able to avoid injury by using their tails as stabilizers." However, she goes on to say that there are some circumstances where a squirrel may not be so lucky.
"If a squirrel falls from a height of more than 20 feet, or if it hits an object on the way down, then there is a chance it could be injured."
5 Examples of Animals Taking Fall Damage
If you thought only humans could be clumsy, think again! Here are five examples of animals taking fall damage.
- A raccoon fell while trying to climb a tree and ended up with a broken leg. The wildlife removal company was able to rescue the raccoon and take it to a local wildlife rehabilitation center.
- A squirrel fell out of its nest and hit its head on the ground. The wildlife removal company was able to find the squirrel and take it to a local wildlife rehabilitation center.
- A deer fell while trying to jump over a fence and broke its leg. The wildlife removal company was able to find the deer and take it to a local wildlife rehabilitation center.
- A bird fell out of its nest and hit its head on the ground. The wildlife removal company was able to find the bird and take it to a local wildlife rehabilitation center.
- A mouse fell while trying to climb a tree and ended up with a broken leg. The wildlife removal company was able to rescue the mouse and take it to a local wildlife rehabilitation center.
These are just a few examples of animals taking fall damage. If you see an animal that appears to be injured, please contact your local squirrel removal company for assistance.
Wrap Up!
So there you have it! According to the expert, in most cases, squirrels will be able to avoid taking fall damage by using their tails as stabilizers.
However, if they fall from a great height or hit an object on the way down, they could be injured. If you're ever worried that a squirrel has fallen and damaged your roof, be sure to contact a squirrel roof damage repair for an inspection. Contact Whitmore today for more help with wildlife removal.