Rats - How to Get Rid of Them Under your Deck

It all starts with a nightly visitor… a rat! The last critter you want snooping around your deck. Follow these helpful tips to get rid of the rat & keep other rats outs.
Step 1: Identify How the Rats are getting Under the Deck
First you have to check where rats and other rodents can get under the deck. Sometimes the area is wide open and other times they have to dig and burrow.
Don’t forget that if you want to rat proof your deck you need to pay attention to the small spots too… rats can squeeze through openings the size of a quarter!
Step 2: Remove Soil & Debris in Preparation for Rat Barrier
This step is labor intensive and might be tempting to skip. However, its vital to properly prepare. Since rats and other rodents can dig or burrow very well, it’s important to remove the soil so that when you install the rat barrier in the next step the rats cannot dig around or past it.
During this step carefully remove any plants and set them aside to be reused at the end of the project.
Step 3: Install the Rat Barrier
For this step it is very important to choose the right materials. You’ve got to make sure that it will withstand rats gnawing, pushing, and digging. It also needs to hold up against weathering so that it remains secure for many years.
Step 4: Backfill the Rat Barrier
Now that the actual rat barrier is installed, you can put the dirt and landscape material back into place. If done well, the rat barrier won’t even be visible so you can enjoy a rat free deck and beautiful landscaping. For professional rodent proofing, contact Whitmore!