Tell-tale Signs of Wasp Infestation and What You Need to Do

Wasps are vital inhabitants in the ecological system, but they are a nuisance for many people, disrupting picnics, invading gardens, and possibly delivering severe stings.
Having a wasp's nest on your perimeter can even be more dangerous, and an infestation could halt your operations or even force the building to close for an extended period. This may be pretty inconvenient, especially if you own a business or operate in a public place such as a school.
Where Can You Find Wasp Nests?
Wasp nests may be found in a wide range of environments. Paper wasp nests can be found beneath and within structures' eaves, attics and wall gaps, and other enclosed locations. Yellowjackets prefer to live near the ground, in hollow trees, under porches, and in various other places.
Mud daubers like to make their nests in protected locations like eaves, garages, attics, or on the sides of buildings. Finally, the bald-faced hornet generally makes its nest among trees, shrubs, or forested places.
Signs You Have a Wasp Nest Infestation.
It is critical to be aware of the signs that indicate the presence of a wasp's nest on your property so that you can take appropriate action as soon as possible. With this in mind, read on to discover more about three frequent warning signals.
Insects Swarming Around
It's common to observe a few wasps on your property throughout the summer, but more significant swarms suggest a nest nearby. Wasps must leave the nest multiple times per day to collect food before returning to care for the queen and her young. If the nest is not immediately visible, following the flight path of the wasps might help you locate it.
Buzzing Noises
Wasps may buzz quite loudly when building their nest, so you may be able to hear signs of activity even if you can't see them. If you can't see a nest, constant, loud buzzing indicates the presence of a nest in the attic or rafters.
Chewed Wood
Certain wasp species construct their nests by chewing on wood. If you have wasps invading your house, you may see holes or tunnels forming on wooden surfaces on the exterior of your property. Because chewed wood might be a sign of ants or termites, you should call a pest treatment expert to discover the exact origin of your wood damage.
How to Prevent Wasp Nests in Your Property
There are actions you may do to help prevent wasps from constructing a nest on your home or in your garden:
Maintenance should be performed regularly to ensure that all cracks and possible entrance sites are sealed.
Keep wasps out of your home by installing fly screens on doors and windows.
Ensure that exterior trash cans have tightly fitting lids so that worker wasps cannot forage food leftovers.
Wasp traps (also known as wasp pots) in your garden that you can buy at a local DIY store or online. You may manufacture your own by filling an empty bottle halfway with water and sugar solution.
However, utilizing a professional pest control solution to destroy the nest effectively is the best course of action for wasp nest removal.
Final Thoughts
Before attempting to remove a wasp nest on your own, remember that certain wasps can be pretty hostile and will protect their nest by repeatedly stinging you. As a result, it's better not to approach a wasp nest in the first place.
Keep your home safe and protected from unwanted inhabitants with the best affordable pest control service in Colorado! Our team at Whitmore Pest Control is more than capable of handling all your pest control and wildlife removal for you. Get in touch to learn more about our services or get a quote today!